Aaron Klotz’s Software Blog

My Adventures in Software Development

Legacy Firefox Extensions and “Userspace”

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This week’s release of Firefox Quantum has prompted all kinds of feedback, both positive and negative. That is not surprising to anybody — any software that has a large number of users is going to be a topic for discussion, especially when the release in question is undoubtedly a watershed.

While I have previously blogged about the transition to WebExtensions, now that we have actually passed through the cutoff for legacy extensions, I have decided to add some new commentary on the subject.

One analogy that has been used in the discussion of the extension ecosystem is that of kernelspace and userspace. The crux of the analogy is that Gecko is equivalent to an operating system kernel, and thus extensions are the user-mode programs that run atop that kernel. The argument then follows that Mozilla’s deprecation and removal of legacy extension capabilities is akin to “breaking” userspace. [Some people who say this are using the same tone as Linus does whenever he eviscerates Linux developers who break userspace, which is neither productive nor welcomed by anyone, but I digress.] Unfortunately, that analogy simply does not map to the legacy extension model.

Legacy Extensions as Kernel Modules

The most significant problem with the userspace analogy is that legacy extensions effectively meld with Gecko and become part of Gecko itself. If we accept the premise that Gecko is like a monolithic OS kernel, then we must also accept that the analogical equivalent of loading arbitrary code into that kernel, is the kernel module. Such components are loaded into the kernel and effectively become part of it. Their code runs with full privileges. They break whenever significant changes are made to the kernel itself.

Sound familiar?

Legacy extensions were akin to kernel modules. When there is no abstraction, there can be no such thing as userspace. This is precisely the problem that WebExtensions solves!

Building Out a Legacy API

Maybe somebody out there is thinking, “well what if you took all the APIs that legacy extensions used, turned that into a ‘userspace,’ and then just left that part alone?”

Which APIs? Where do we draw the line? Do we check the code coverage for every legacy addon in AMO and use that to determine what to include?

Remember, there was no abstraction; installed legacy addons are fused to Gecko. If we pledge not to touch anything that legacy addons might touch, then we cannot touch anything at all.

Where do we go from here? Freeze an old version of Gecko and host an entire copy of it inside web content? Compile it to WebAssembly? [Oh God, what have I done?]

If that’s not a maintenance burden, I don’t know what is!

A Kernel Analogy for WebExtensions

Another problem with the legacy-extensions-as-userspace analogy is that it leaves awkward room for web content, whose API is abstract and well-defined. I do not think that it is appropriate to consider web content to be equivalent to a sandboxed application, as sandboxed applications use the same (albeit restricted) API as normal applications. I would suggest that the presence of WebExtensions gives us a better kernel analogy:

  • Gecko is the kernel;
  • WebExtensions are privileged user applications;
  • Web content runs as unprivileged user applications.

In Conclusion

Declaring that legacy extensions are userspace does not make them so. The way that the technology actually worked defies the abstract model that the analogy attempts to impose upon it. On the other hand, we can use the failure of that analogy to explain why WebExtensions are important and construct an extension ecosystem that does fit with that analogy.

Win32 Gotchas

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For the second time since I have been at Mozilla I have encountered a situation where hooks are called for notifications of a newly created window, but that window has not yet been initialized properly, causing the hooks to behave badly.

The first time was inside our window neutering code in IPC, while the second time was in our accessibility code.

Every time I have seen this, there is code that follows this pattern:

HWND hwnd = CreateWindowEx(/* ... */);
if (hwnd) {
  // Do some follow-up initialization to hwnd (Using SetProp as an example):
  SetProp(hwnd, "Foo", bar);

This seems innocuous enough, right?

The problem is that CreateWindowEx calls hooks. If those hooks then try to do something like GetProp(hwnd, "Foo"), that call is going to fail because the “Foo” prop has not yet been set.

The key takeaway from this is that, if you are creating a new window, you must do any follow-up initialization from within your window proc’s WM_CREATE handler. This will guarantee that your window’s initialization will have completed before any hooks are called.

You might be thinking, “But I don’t set any hooks!” While this may be true, you must not forget about hooks set by third-party code.

“But those hooks won’t know anything about my program’s internals, right?”

Perhaps, perhaps not. But when those hooks fire, they give third-party software the opportunity to run. In some cases, those hooks might even cause the thread to reenter your own code. Your window had better be completely initialized when this happens!

In the case of my latest discovery of this issue in bug 1380471, I made it possible to use a C++11 lambda to simplify this pattern.

CreateWindowEx accepts a lpParam parameter which is then passed to the WM_CREATE handler as the lpCreateParams member of a CREATESTRUCT.

By setting lpParam to a pointer to a std::function<void(HWND)>, we may then supply any callable that we wish for follow-up window initialization.

Using the previous code sample as a baseline, this allows me to revise the code to safely set a property like this:

std::function<void(HWND)> onCreate([](HWND aHwnd) -> void {
  SetProp(aHwnd, "Foo", bar);

HWND hwnd = CreateWindowEx(/* ... */, &onCreate);
// At this point is already too late to further initialize hwnd!

Note that since lpParam is always passed during WM_CREATE, which always fires before CreateWindowEx returns, it is safe for onCreate to live on the stack.

I liked this solution for the a11y case because it preserved the locality of the initialization code within the function that called CreateWindowEx; the window proc for this window is implemented in another source file and the follow-up initialization depends on the context surrounding the CreateWindowEx call.

Speaking of window procs, here is how that window’s WM_CREATE handler invokes the callable:

switch (uMsg) {
  case WM_CREATE: {
    auto createStruct = reinterpret_cast<CREATESTRUCT*>(lParam);
    auto createProc = reinterpret_cast<std::function<void(HWND)>*>(

    if (createProc && *createProc) {

    return 0;
  // ...

TL;DR: If you see a pattern where further initialization work is being done on an HWND after a CreateWindowEx call, move that initialization code to your window’s WM_CREATE handler instead.

Why I Prefer Using CRITICAL_SECTIONs for Mutexes in Windows Nightly Builds

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In the past I have argued that our Nightly builds, both debug and release, should use CRITICAL_SECTIONs (with full debug info) for our implementation of mozilla::Mutex. I’d like to illustrate some reasons why this is so useful.

They enable more utility in WinDbg extensions

Every time you initialize a CRITICAL_SECTION, Windows inserts the CS’s debug info into a process-wide linked list. This enables their discovery by the Windows debugging engine, and makes the !cs, !critsec, and !locks commands more useful.

They enable profiling of their initialization and acquisition

When the “Create user mode stack trace database” gflag is enabled, Windows records the call stack of the thread that called InitializeCriticalSection on that CS. Windows also records the call stack of the owning thread once it has acquired the CS. This can be very useful for debugging deadlocks.

They track their contention counts

Since every CS has been placed in a process-wide linked list, we may now ask the debugger to dump statistics about every live CS in the process. In particular, we can ask the debugger to output the contention counts for each CS in the process. After running a workload against Nightly, we may then take the contention output, sort it descendingly, and be able to determine which CRITICAL_SECTIONs are the most contended in the process.

We may then want to more closely inspect the hottest CSes to determine whether there is anything that we can do to reduce contention and all of the extra context switching that entails.

In Summary

When we use SRWLOCKs or initialize our CRITICAL_SECTIONs with the CRITICAL_SECTION_NO_DEBUG_INFO flag, we are denying ourselves access to this information. That’s fine on release builds, but on Nightly I think it is worth having around. While I realize that most Mozilla developers have not used this until now (otherwise I would not be writing this blog post), this rich debugger info is one of those things that you do not miss until you do not have it.

For further reading about critical section debug info, check out this archived article from MSDN Magazine.