Aaron Klotz’s Software Blog

My Adventures in Software Development

Coming Around Full Circle

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One thing about me that most Mozillians don’t know is that, when I first applied to work at MoCo, I had applied to work on the mobile platform. When all was said and done, it was decided at the time that I would be a better fit for an opening on Taras Glek’s platform performance team.

My first day at Mozilla was October 15, 2012 — I will be celebrating my seventh anniversary at MoCo in just a couple short weeks! Some people with similar tenures have suggested to me that we are now “old guard,” but I’m not sure that I feel that way! Anyway, I digress.

The platform performance team eventually evolved into a desktop-focused performance team by late 2013. By the end of 2015 I had decided that it was time for a change, and by March 2016 I had moved over to work for Jim Mathies, focusing on Gecko integration with Windows. I ended up spending the next twenty or so months helping the accessibility team port their Windows implementation over to multiprocess.

Once Firefox Quantum 57 hit the streets, I scoped out and provided technical leadership for the InjectEject project, whose objective was to tackle some of the root problems with DLL injection that were causing us grief in Windows-land.

I am proud to say that, over the past three years on Jim’s team, I have done the best work of my career. I’d like to thank Brad Lassey (now at Google) for his willingness to bring me over to his group, as well as Jim, and David Bolter (a11y manager at the time) for their confidence in me. As somebody who had spent most of his adult life having no confidence in his work whatsoever, their willingness to entrust me with taking on those risks and responsibilities made an enormous difference in my self esteem and my professional life.

Over the course of H1 2019, I began to feel restless again. I knew it was time for another change. What I did not expect was that the agent of that change would be James Willcox, aka Snorp. In Whistler, Snorp planted the seed in my head that I might want to come over to work with him on GeckoView, within the mobile group which David was now managing.

The timing seemed perfect, so I made the decision to move to GeckoView. I had to finish tying up some loose ends with InjectEject, so all the various stakeholders agreed that I’d move over at the end of Q3 2019.

Which brings me to this week, when I officially join the GeckoView team, working for Emily Toop. I find it somewhat amusing that I am now joining the team that evolved from the team that I had originally applied for back in 2012. I have truly come full circle in my career at Mozilla!

So, what’s next?

  • I have a couple of InjectEject bugs that are pretty much finished, but just need some polish and code reviews before landing.

  • For the next month or two at least, I am going to continue to meet weekly with Jim to assist with the transition as he ramps up new staff on the project.

  • I still plan to be the module owner for the Firefox Launcher Process and the MSCOM library, however most day-to-day work will be done by others going forward;

  • I will continue to serve as the mozglue peer in charge of the DLL blocklist and DLL interceptor, with the same caveat.

Switching over to Android from Windows does not mean that I am leaving my Windows experience at the door; I would like to continue to be a resource on that front, so I would encourage people to continue to ask me for advice.

On the other hand, I am very much looking forward to stepping back into the mobile space. My first crack at mobile was as an intern back in 2003, when I was working with some code that had to run on PalmOS 3.0! I have not touched Android since I shipped a couple of utility apps back in 2011, so I am looking forward to learning more about what has changed. I am also looking forward to learning more about native development on Android, which is something that I never really had a chance to try.

As they used to say on Monty Python’s Flying Circus, “And now for something completely different!”

2018 Roundup: Q2, Part 1 - Refactoring the DLL Interceptor

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This is the second post in my “2018 Roundup” series. For an index of all entries, please see my blog entry for Q1.

As I have alluded to previously, Gecko includes a Detours-style API hooking mechanism for Windows. In Gecko, this code is referred to as the “DLL Interceptor.” We use the DLL interceptor to instrument various functions within our own processes. As a prerequisite for future DLL injection mitigations, I needed to spend a good chunk of Q2 refactoring this code. While I was in there, I took the opportunity to improve the interceptor’s memory efficiency, thus benefitting the Fission MemShrink project. [When these changes landed, we were not yet tracking the memory savings, but I will include a rough estimate later in this post.]

A Brief Overview of Detours-style API Hooking

While many distinct function hooking techniques are used in the Windows ecosystem, the Detours-style hook is one of the most effective and most popular. While I am not going to go into too many specifics here, I’d like to offer a quick overview. In this description, “target” is the function being hooked.

Here is what happens when a function is detoured:

  1. Allocate a chunk of memory to serve as a “trampoline.” We must be able to adjust the protection attributes on that memory.

  2. Disassemble enough of the target to make room for a jmp instruction. On 32-bit x86 processors, this requires 5 bytes. x86-64 is more complicated, but generally, to jmp to an absolute address, we try to make room for 13 bytes.

  3. Copy the instructions from step 2 over to the trampoline.

  4. At the beginning of the target function, write a jmp to the hook function.

  5. Append additional instructions to the trampoline that, when executed, will cause the processor to jump back to the first valid instruction after the jmp written in step 4.

  6. If the hook function wants to pass control on to the original target function, it calls the trampoline.

Note that these steps don’t occur exactly in the order specified above; I selected the above ordering in an effort to simplify my description.

Here is my attempt at visualizing the control flow of a detoured function on x86-64:


Previously, the DLL interceptor relied on directly manipulating pointers in order to read and write the various instructions involved in the hook. In bug 1432653 I changed things so that the memory operations are parameterized based on two orthogonal concepts:

  • In-process vs out-of-process memory access: I wanted to be able to abstract reads and writes such that we could optionally set a hook in another process from our own.
  • Virtual memory allocation scheme: I wanted to be able to change how trampoline memory was allocated. Previously, each instance of WindowsDllInterceptor allocated its own page of memory for trampolines, but each instance also typically only sets one or two hooks. This means that most of the 4KiB page was unused. Furthermore, since Windows allocates blocks of pages on a 64KiB boundary, this wasted a lot of precious virtual address space in our 32-bit builds.

By refactoring and parameterizing these operations, we ended up with the following combinations:

  • In-process memory access, each WindowsDllInterceptor instance receives its own trampoline space;
  • In-process memory access, all WindowsDllInterceptor instances within a module share trampoline space;
  • Out-of-process memory access, each WindowsDllInterceptor instance receives its own trampoline space;
  • Out-of-process memory access, all WindowsDllInterceptor instances within a module share trampoline space (currently not implemented as this option is not particularly useful at the moment).

Instead of directly manipulating pointers, we now use instances of ReadOnlyTargetFunction, WritableTargetFunction, and Trampoline to manipulate our code/data. Those classes in turn use the memory management and virtual memory allocation policies to perform the actual reading and writing.

Memory Management Policies

The interceptor now supports two policies, MMPolicyInProcess and MMPolicyOutOfProcess. Each policy must implement the following memory operations:

  • Read
  • Write
  • Change protection attributes
  • Reserve trampoline space
  • Commit trampoline space

MMPolicyInProcess is implemented using memcpy for read and write, VirtualProtect for protection attribute changes, and VirtualAlloc for reserving and committing trampoline space.

MMPolicyOutOfProcess uses ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory for read and write. As a perf optimization, we try to batch reads and writes together to reduce the system call traffic. We obviously use VirtualProtectEx to adjust protection attributes in the other process.

Out-of-process trampoline reservation and commitment, however, is a bit different and is worth a separate call-out. We allocate trampoline space using shared memory. It is mapped into the local process with read+write permissions using MapViewOfFile. The memory is mapped into the remote process as read+execute using some code that I wrote in bug 1451511 that either uses NtMapViewOfSection or MapViewOfFile2, depending on availability. Individual pages from those chunks are then committed via VirtualAlloc in the local process and VirtualAllocEx in the remote process. This scheme enables us to read and write to trampoline memory directly, without needing to do cross-process reads and writes!

VM Sharing Policies

The code for these policies is a lot simpler than the code for the memory management policies. We now have VMSharingPolicyUnique and VMSharingPolicyShared. Each of these policies must implement the following operations:

  • Reserve space for up to N trampolines of size K;
  • Obtain a Trampoline object for the next available K-byte trampoline slot;
  • Return an iterable collection of all extant trampolines.

VMSharingPolicyShared is actually implemented by delegating to a static instance of VMSharingPolicyUnique.

Implications of Refactoring

To determine the performance implications, I added timings to our DLL Interceptor unit test. I was very happy to see that, despite the additional layers of abstraction, the C++ compiler’s optimizer was doing its job: There was no performance impact whatsoever!

Once the refactoring was complete, I switched the default VM Sharing Policy for WindowsDllInterceptor over to VMSharingPolicyShared in bug 1451524.

Browsing today’s mozilla-central tip, I count 14 locations where we instantiate interceptors inside xul.dll. Given that not all interceptors are necessarily instantiated at once, I am now offering a worst-case back-of-the-napkin estimate of the memory savings:

  • Each interceptor would likely be consuming 4KiB (most of which is unused) of committed VM. Due to Windows’ 64 KiB allocation guanularity, each interceptor would be leaving a further 60KiB of address space in a free but unusable state. Assuming all 14 interceptors were actually instantiated, they would thus consume a combined 56KiB of committed VM and 840KiB of free but unusable address space.
  • By sharing trampoline VM, the interceptors would consume only 4KiB combined and waste only 60KiB of address space, thus yielding savings of 52KiB in committed memory and 780KiB in addressable memory.

Oh, and One More Thing

Another problem that I discovered during this refactoring was bug 1459335. It turns out that some of the interceptor’s callers were not distinguishing between “I have not set this hook yet” and “I attempted to set this hook but it failed” scenarios. Across several call sites, I discovered that our code would repeatedly retry to set hooks even when they had previously failed, causing leakage of trampoline space!

To fix this, I modified the interceptor’s interface so that we use one-time initialization APIs to set hooks; since landing this bug, it is no longer possible for clients of the DLL interceptor to set a hook that had previously failed to be set.

Quantifying the memory costs of this bug is… non-trivial, but it suffices to say that fixing this bug probably resulted in the savings of at least a few hundred KiB in committed VM on affected machines.

That’s it for today’s post, folks! Thanks for reading! Coming up in Q2, Part 2: Implementing a Skeletal Launcher Process

2018 Roundup: Q1 - Learning More About DLLs Injected Into Firefox

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I had a very busy 2018. So busy, in fact, that I have not been able to devote any time to actually discussing what I worked on! I had intended to write these posts during the end of December, but a hardware failure delayed that until the new year. Alas, here we are in 2019, and I am going to do a series of retrospectives on last year’s work, broken up by quarter.

Here is an index of all the entries in this series:


The general theme of my work in 2018 was dealing with the DLL injection problem: On Windows, third parties love to forcibly load their DLLs into other processes — web browsers in particular, thus making Firefox a primary target.

Many of these libraries tend to alter Firefox processes in ways that hurt the stability and/or performance of our code; many chemspill releases have gone out over the years to deal with these problems. While I could rant for hours over this, the fact is that DLL injection is rampant in the ecosystem of Windows desktop applications and is not going to disappear any time soon. In the meantime, we need to be able to deal with it.

Some astute readers might be ready to send me an email or post a comment about how ignorant I am about the new(-ish) process mitigation policies that are available in newer versions of Windows. While those features are definitely useful, they are not panaceas:

  • We cannot turn on the “Extension Point Disable” policy for users of assistive technologies; screen readers rely heavily on DLL injection using SetWindowsHookEx and SetWinEventHook, both of which are covered by this policy;
  • We could enable the “Microsoft Binary Signature” policy, however that requires us to load our own DLLs first before enabling; once that happens, it is often already too late: other DLLs have already injected themselves by the time we are able to activate this policy. (Note that this could easily be solved if this policy were augmented to also permit loading of any DLL signed by the same organization as that of the process’s executable binary, but Microsoft seems to be unwilling to do this.)
  • The above mitigations are not universally available. They do not help us on Windows 7.

For me, Q1 2018 was all about gathering better data about injected DLLs.

Learning More About DLLs Injected into Firefox

One of our major pain points over the years of dealing with injected DLLs has been that the vendor of the DLL is not always apparent to us. In general, our crash reports and telemetry pings only include the leaf name of the various DLLs on a user’s system. This is intentional on our part: we want to preserve user privacy. On the other hand, this severely limits our ability to determine which party is responsible for a particular DLL.

One avenue for obtaining this information is to look at any digital signature that is embedded in the DLL. By examining the certificate that was used to sign the binary, we can extract the organization of the cert’s owner and include that with our crash reports and telemetry.

In bug 1430857 I wrote a bunch of code that enables us to extract that information from signed binaries using the Windows Authenticode APIs. Originally, in that bug, all of that signature extraction work happened from within the browser itself, while it was running: It would gather the cert information on a background thread while the browser was running, and include those annotations in a subsequent crash dump, should such a thing occur.

After some reflection, I realized that I was not gathering annotations in the right place. As an example, what if an injected DLL were to trigger a crash before the background thread had a chance to grab that DLL’s cert information?

I realized that the best place to gather this information was in a post-processing step after the crash dump had been generated, and in fact we already had the right mechanism for doing so: the minidump-analyzer program was already doing post-processing on Firefox crash dumps before sending them back to Mozilla. I moved the signature extraction and crash annotation code out of Gecko and into the analyzer in bug 1436845.

(As an aside, while working on the minidump-analyzer, I found some problems with how it handled command line arguments: it was assuming that main passes its argv as UTF-8, which is not true on Windows. I fixed those issues in bug 1437156.)

In bug 1434489 I also ended up adding this information to the “modules ping” that we have in telemetry; IIRC this ping is only sent weekly. When the modules ping is requested, we gather the module cert info asynchronously on a background thread.

Finally, I had to modify Socorro (the back-end for crash-stats) to be able to understand the signature annotations and be able to display them via bug 1434495. This required two commits: one to modify the Socorro stackwalker to merge the module signature information into the full crash report, and another to add a “Signed By” column to every report’s “Modules” tab to display the signature information (Note that this column is only present when at least one module in a particular crash report contains signature information).

The end result was very satisfying: Most of the injected DLLs in our Windows crash reports are signed, so it is now much easier to identify their vendors!

This project was very satisifying for me in many ways: First of all, surfacing this information was an itch that I had been wanting to scratch for quite some time. Secondly, this really was a “full stack” project, touching everything from extracting signature info from binaries using C++, all the way up to writing some back-end code in Python and a little touch of front-end stuff to surface the data in the web app.

Note that, while this project focused on Windows because of the severity of the library injection problem on that platform, it would be easy enough to reuse most of this code for macOS builds as well; the only major work for the latter case would be for extracting signature information from a dylib. This is not currently a priority for us, though.

Thanks for reading! Coming up in Q2: Refactoring the DLL Interceptor!